The CS Ellis Holdings Ltd Gender Pay Gap Annual Report​

CS Ellis Logistics is part of a group of companies with over 250 employees.

The following table shows the groupwide mean and median gender pay gap based on hourly rates of pay as at the 5th April 2024. It also shows the mean and median difference between bonuses paid to men and women during the year ended 5th April 2024.

Mean Median
Hourly pay 3.7% 3.9%
Bonus 8% 0%
During the year ended 5th April 2024 74.4% of male employees receieved a bonus and 55.6% of female employees received a bonus.

The final table represents the percentage of men and women in each hourly pay quarter.

Men Women
Upper Quartile 69% 31%
Upper Middle Quartile 82% 18%
Lower Middle Quartile 64% 36%
Lower Quartile 73% 27%

C S Ellis (Holdings) Ltd, and its subsidiary companies, work within a number of industries, including logistics/supply chain, hospitality, horticulture and retail, meaning how we compare to national norms with gender representation can vary.

Overall, we have a lower proportion of women to men, signifying the wider economic gender gap statistics in the STEM workforce.

We are committed to closing the gap through a number of actions:

  • We have standardized pay bands and ensure employees are paid the same pay for doing the same job regardless of gender.
  • We ensure that all recruitment, promotion and apprenticeship opportunities are fulfilled transparently and without bias.
  • We consciously have equal representation of gender in both our internal and external communications
  • We conduct regular awareness training to all our employees of the importance of Equality and Diversity.